Thursday 13 October 2011

Day 87 - Breakfast Feast

Finally a day off! I slept in until 9:30 and woke up to a call from Marvin. He wanted to meet me for breakfast. I told him that I needed to follow up on a few things and do laundry, plus it was raining, I didn't really want to leave the house. He said, no worries, I'll bring it to you! Who can say no to that. An hour later, I had the most decadent breakfast ever. Pancakes, French toast with blueberries, turkey sausage, veggie omelette, roasted potatoes, raisin bagel, corned beef and hash, and every condiment known to man. We shared everything, and some good conversation. I gave him a tour of the house and introduced him to Simba and Misty. He seemed a little thrown by the cat on the countertop (just like my aunt) but he said it was a small sacrifice for such a nice place.

My afternoon was full of laundry and Judge Judy. I had planned to follow up with some of the repositories that I want to learn more about, but I took a nap instead. By the time I caught up on my blog and put my laundry away, Lauren was home. We had a relatively good chat about her realizing the futility of chasing men, and she was going to be open to finding someone better for herself. At the same time, she wants to have a baby, so the "one" needs to come along very soon. Some things that I don't understand...I don't mind being a sounding board. I haven't told her about Marvin, I suppose I will have to eventually, but it is nice to have my little secret. Lauren made kale with ham and garlic, and gracioulsy shared it with me, it was pretty good. We watched Grey's Anatomy together and now I'm debating when to leave to pick Lauren (friend) up from the airport. Her flight out of Phoenix was delayed, so she should be here around 11:30..can't wait for the fun to begin!

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