Sunday 9 October 2011

Day 83 - Clybourne

I had planned to sit down somewhere today and rest, but Lauren invited me to a play with her and her family. Lauren's parents picked us up around 2:00 and we drove to Steppenwolfe Theater in Lincoln Park. The play is called Clyborn and it has been compared to "A Raisin in the Sun" with its themes of racism and housing. Lauren's sister and her boyfriend also met us at the theater. I found out that today is Mrs. Richardson's birthday and the tickets were a gift. The show was very thought provoking. The first half is set in the 1950's when housing is having a hard time getting integrated, and modern times where a new couple is trying to tear down a house and build a new one, unknown to them, erasing the history of the neighborhood. There are moments when I wanted to close my eyes, partly because I was tired and partly because the tension on stage was a little too much for me.

After the show, I walked with Lauren to CB2, Crate and Barrel, and Bed, Bath and Beyond, she was looking for a stainless steel mixing bowl. Then we linked up with the others at J. Alexander for a birthday dinner. I had fish tacos and shared chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream. Although I spent more than I wanted to, I understood how it might have been awkward for Lauren to hang out with her family by herself. Kristin and Tahir were all coupled up, whispering to one another. Lauren's mom and dad argue often and are just reaching out for supporters of their respective positions. Then there is Lauren, that might have an impact over time. Another element of the dinner conversation that irritated me was their emphasis on superficial things. Lauren's mom whispers across the table to me, "have you found another job yet?" I told her about JPC, but in hindsight, why does it matter? While Lauren and I were walking to the stores, she asked if I had tried a Brazilian Blow-Out for my hair. It is supposed to be a new way to straightened hair, no I like my big frizzy curls!

I tried to follow their conversations and stay engaged, but by my second taco, I had to tune them out..the sarcasm and bickering, was exhausting after awhile. The kicker is that, I assumed her dad was going to pay for the meal, so I ordered very lightly. When the bill came, they spilt it among everyone, so there I am paying a percentage of the automatic gratuity and the cocktails that everyone else was enjoying. I promise I'm not cheap but I hate having to pay for something that I didn't enjoy. Tomorrow is a new day, and I don't hold grudges but I will definitely be more cautious about throwing my lot in with those folks.

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