Thursday 6 October 2011

Day 80 - A Moment of Clarity

I didn't have to work today, but I woke up at 7:00 AM anyway with a moment of clarity. I called Coleman and Rebecca right away and withdrew my candidacy, I also sent them emails. I didn't want them to spend another minute of their time considering me for that position. Then I called Mindy from Johnson Publishing Company and accepted their offer of employment. It was so good to get that over with. I drafted a few mock schedules to see how I could get the bookstore, volunteering and the new job into a work week. I will need to see if everyone is on board with my ideas, but I think that I have a handle on the situation. I also did a little budget analysis and I think that a few special people might be getting Christmas presents this year, :)

I watched two episodes of Mad Men this morning. That show is great, if you don't know by now, I don't know what to tell you. I texted Coleman to see if our fledgling friendship had survived the trauma of me backing out. He called me back and we had an interesting conversation, full disclosure. He said the position was mine, there was not another candidate that even came close...that stung a little. He also said that the tough interviewer was an asshole and nobody likes him. I told him that it didn't help that three out of the six people that I have met along the process had plans to leave the department within the next 6 months. Overall, the position was going to be a challenge without the necessary forward progression that I am looking for. I guess that is how I know that I am on the right track, when I sacrificed what I want now (more money) for what I want most (a career in archives). Coleman proceeded to tell me about the amazing Italian man that he met last night, and how Beyonce will never be a Patti LaBelle, Tina Turner, or Chaka Khan. I begged to differ about Beyonce, but I imagine that we will be better friends without working together.

I cleaned the house and then decided to get out and enjoy this beautiful weather. I brought my book and my purse with me to the park, and read for a little bit. Then I started walking, no particular destination in mind. I noticed so many food places, I felt like stopping in all of them....Giordano's Pizza, Pizza Capri, Boston Market, Jamaican Food, Ribs n Bibs, Wok n Roll, Subway, and they just built a Five Guys on 53rd Street. The line was pretty long and I had burgers last week. I would have loved some cajun fries but I resisted the urge. I went to CVS, read an entire celebrity gossip magazine, and treated myself to that new peel off nail polish. Hope told me about it before I left Arizona and I think it will be fun. Apparently, you just stick on the "polish sticker" and file it around your nail bed, and it will come off with nail polish remover. I borrowed Rio from the red box, then I bought tomatoes and carrots at Hyde Park Produce and walked home.

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