Wednesday 5 October 2011

Day 78 - 50/50

I have no excuse for not posting last night. I was watching the Ken Burn's Prohibition documentary on PBS, which was fascinating because so much of the drama took place in Chicago. 1925 Chicago had Al Capone, flappers, jazz, murder, sex, hypocrites, fugitives, crime syndicates and alcohol, what more do you need? I tried to watch Jay Leno, but Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries were on, and I had to turn it off. I try hard not to be a hater, but they are so stupid, I don't know what brought them together but I doubt that it will be enough to keep them together. I love celebrity nonsense, but they don't even pretend to be normal, it seems like they stalk cameras instead of the other way around, that's enough about them. I went to sleep with barely a notion of turning on the computer.

Yesterday was pretty good. Work was busy and I was off by 2:15. I was feeling restless so I called Coleman and asked if he wanted to go to the movies. Silly me, he is a grown up who works all day and doesn't have time for movie on a week night. He said that we could go another time. I decided to go anyway and see the new Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Seth Rogen movie, 50/50. The critics said that it made cancer, funny. I would like to take issue with that point, cancer is miserable for anyone who has seen it first hand. Maybe I am a glutton for punishment but that movie just pulled my heart out. When he has to go in for his surgery and he reaches for his mom, I lost it. It was a good movie, there were a few funny parts but overall it left me feeling depressed. I never used to cry at movies, but now I am a big sap, maybe I'm getting soft in my old age, between this and The Help, I might need to start carrying around a little box of Kleenex.

After the film, I went to wander around Target. That might sound boring, but this Target is in the South Loop and it is two stories high, on top of two floors of parking garages. The parking lot at the top gives good views of the city, and there are high rise buildings all around the store. A campus of Columbia College is located over here, so there are all kinds of interesting people to see. I have been looking at Craiglist and other apartment finders for places in the South Loop. It is so close to the museums, Soldier Field, and the trains, it has an urban feel without being as congested as the north side. However, it is more expensive than Hyde Park, I will just keep looking. In Target, I bought some groceries and avoided the Halloween candy aisle. The man at the register, Gabriel, was talking me up. I was telling him that groceries are so expensive. He said that is why you get a man take care of them for you. I was like really?? Then he said that if I let him take me out, I wouldn't have to worry about it. That's funny, because it would never happen. He wasn't really my type. I loaded the car and headed home. I paid attention to the signs this time and didn't park on a street that was being cleaned on Wednesday. As I was walking in the house, I realized that I had made it in time to catch the DWTS results...poor Kristin.

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