Friday 23 September 2011

Day 66 - Fashionista

Today, I was determined to go shopping. Ladies and gentlemen, that is exactly what I did. I took the bus to the Red Line and rode it north to the Chicago stop. I walked a couple of blocks to Michigan Avenue where the Water Tower mall is located. However, I discovered more interesting stores outside of the actual mall. I started with TopShop. I had been to this store before while I was in London, there is one in the Piccadilly Circus. The Chicago location is only the second one in America, there is also one in NYC. I remember that I bought a couple of tops and some jewelery from here when I was on a much stricter budget, so I was surprised to find myself priced out of the store today. The stuff is super cute, lots of off the shoulder tops, multi-colored jeans, stretchy dresses and mini-skirts.  You get the feeling that if you mix and match it right then no one can deny your admission to the cool kids club. I saw these brown patterned Oxford shoes that I believe will be in my future if I have to eat ramen noodles for the rest of the autumn. I am assuming that since they are a flagship store that just opened a couple of weeks ago, they haven't developed a clearance section yet. I will check in a few months to see if they have made that happen, maybe my shoes will be there.

The next stop was H&M. They did not disappoint in the sale department, I just had to make the tough choices to only pick three items, when there were eight that I adored. I wound up with a big cardigan, a striped shirt and a stretchy skirt, plus some tights and rings (accessories weren't included in the debate). Next up was Filene's Basement, where I found a soft green cashmere sweater. The guys at Coleman's party praised cashmere to no end. They said, it is ideal because it will keep you warm as a layer underneath your jacket, but it breathes, so that you can cool down when you get inside. This store also had alot of boots that struck my fancy, but I resisted the urge to break the bank just yet. At both H&M and Filene's I spent alot of time in the dressing room. I would pick things up that clearly weren't my size, and justify how I could make it work. This is not a good idea. There is a reason that clothes come in different sizes and contrary to my mindset earlier today, it is very rare that "this brand runs big". Luckily, I was smart enough to know that if I had problems getting my arm or leg through a hole, this probably wasn't going to work out. The only consequence from my temporary illusions about my size were extra putbacks for the fitting room worker and some terrible memories of myself in very unflattering pieces of clothing.

After all of that retail fun, I stopped at Chick-fil-a for a late lunch. Then I caught the Red Line back to Hyde Park. The train was full of school age kids. I tried not to stare but I was listening to every word of the pointless conversations that these 5 girls were having. I don't know why children act like they don't want to go to school. Where else would they meet boys to flirt with and girls to hate on? I suppose a wise guy would answer, the train. One of the bolder girls was staring at this other young man and she asked him where he went to school and if he had a brother. He gave short replies, but she kept engaging him, asking him to sit closer and telling him to stop lying about his brother. He had to get off the train before she did, and her girlfriends were making fun of her until she threatened them with violence, in jest, I think. All of that walking, shopping and people watching made me sleepy but I knew that I needed to go to the grocery store too. I walked home, got my car went to Michael's for some food. In the parking lot, I realized that my rear passenger tire was looking flat, so I went to the gas station for some air. I haven't been to the gas station for air, since I went with my dad in the 90's. I almost asked for help, but I put on my big girl panties and did it myself, it was easy.

I was home by 5:00, took my nap and made a grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup for dinner. Another glorious night of television. Grey's Anatomy is back. I had a super funny chat with my sister and I will be going to bed at any moment now. By the way, Rebecca called to set up an in person interview for next week. Imagine that? I was telling my sister that I will keep giving it my best effort and see where all the cards land. In the back of my mind, I am hoping that the BMRC archives and the Johnson Publishing Company positions come through too. I'd hate to think that I have been harping on archives for the past 18 months, just to take a job as a coordinator...however it is much easier to focus on your goals when you have stable employment and don't have to monitor every cent. I can "what if" myself to death, and I have a feeling that I will have a difficult choice soon, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

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