Friday, 19 August 2011

Day 32 - Cold Aunt Cleo

My aunt Cleo had mentioned that she would be in Chicago this weekend, but she never shared any details with me, so I wasn't sure that she was coming at all. Yesterday around noon, she told me on Facebook that she was boarding a plane and would be here around 6:00 in the evening. I assumed that I would link up with her after the Peter Pan show. When I called her, she said that she didn't want me out driving at night, and she was in the bed anyway, how about tomorrow. I told her that I had to work from 12 until 6:30, but I could meetup with her afterwards. She was going to see The Wiz on the southside, 9 blocks from my house on Friday, so I thought it would be perfect. The play started at 7, I told her that I could pick her up after the show, we could kick it and then I could drive her back to her hotel. She says "K". Around 9:30, I tell her that she should call me when its over, and I'll be right over. One hour later she says "K". Another hour later, I ask if she is still in the play, and I get no response. I think she is leaving tomorrow, and I have plans for the day, so that's it. I thought we were pretty close, but this feels mighty cold. If my neice moved to Chicago, hundreds of miles from all of her relatives, I would make seeing her a priority. It's like my Grandpa Flanagan used to tell my mom, keep your expectations low and you won't be disappointed. Disappointment sucks.


ReekaP said...

You already know how I feel about Cleo. Let's leave it at that.
I know without a doubt when Nays moves to Japan and you're in the neighborhood you'll certainly hook up.
You have survived a month and will survive many more without her company :) You know who loves you!!!!!!!

Chaitra Powell said...

I don't know what I would do without you, simply the best!

Chaitra Powell said...

I think my mom might have given her a spiritual kick in the ass, because she always hated that "oblivious flake" role that she plays. I could hear mom saying, I can handle your BS but don't bring that mess to my baby. I miss her.

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