Thursday 11 August 2011

Day 24 - One of those faces

Today I received a new assignment so the day went by really fast. On my way out, a woman who never had more than two words to say to me, talked for 45 minutes about her relationship woes. 45 minutes! This woman has been dating a man for 4 years and 2 weeks ago, he decided that he had enough on his plate with his job and his kids, so he didn't want to be with her anymore. She talked and talked about how much she had invested and how his family loved her and there was no way that it was over just like that. What am I supposed to say to this? Good luck, guilting someone into being with you. It was insane, I kept looking at my phone, backing away, I made it to the hallway and she leaped up and talked me all the way into the stairwell. I think that I might have one of those faces where people just feel compelled to share, or maybe she was just destined to spill her beans, and I happened to be the nearest pair of ears. If I'm so addicted to school, I need to sign up for Conversation Exits 101.

I biked to the grocery store after work. I used my Epicurian app to find a recipe for kale, Kale and White Bean Soup. Two new purchases included navy beans and parmigiano reggiano cheese rind. The recipe was simple but it took 2 and a half hours by the time I cooked the beans and let the soup simmer. It was pretty good, and very healthy. I will be taking a bowl to work tomorrow. On my way home with my groceries balanced precariously in my backpack and my right hand. I thought that only a new city could make the mundane seem so exciting. Living here is like shopping with extra money in the bank, relaxed and confident. I could get anything that I want, but it is fun to just a look around and find that one item that I can't do without. Living in Phoenix was like shopping when I am broke, frustration and anxiety, all I thought about was what I may be missing out on, the dog days are over.

One observation about The University of Chicago is that it is a stark contrast from Arizona universities. Keep in mind that this university has produced more Nobel Prize winners than any other university in the country. This is where they first split the atom bomb, where Barack Obama taught constitutional law, and where the writers of Freakanomics and Super Freakanomics received their schooling. Clearly the emphasis is not on the cover, it is on the content of a person. I have never seen so many fuzzy legged, frizzy haired, frumpy looking women in my life, but they don't seem to mind. The sun tanned, short skirt, mani/pedi and make up wearing population does not dominate the way that it does in Arizona. I can't say whether it is a good thing or not, but it is definitely a difference.


ReekaP said...

What i want to know they know how to properly cross the street????

Chaitra Powell said...

yes, they have more sense than roadkill rabbits!

ReekaP said...

Wonderful!!!!!! these idiots here, don't get me started-you know how I feel about driving on campus

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